Information about the latest Family Mediation issues and in depth analysis of key mediation matters.

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How To Divorce Without Going To Court
Family Mediation Jo Chawla (Family Mediator) Family Mediation Jo Chawla (Family Mediator)

How To Divorce Without Going To Court

Clients often tell us they want to go to Court, they don’t want to mediate, and that is their choice. However, the issues in these cases are generally not complex, but they can often feel intractable. Nevertheless, many of these cases could and increasingly should be resolved away from Court if at all possible.

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Helping Your Children Through Your Separation & Divorce
Children in Mediation, Family Mediation Jo Chawla (Family Mediator) Children in Mediation, Family Mediation Jo Chawla (Family Mediator)

Helping Your Children Through Your Separation & Divorce

Often the relationships that the children enjoyed with you both and your extended family changes. It can become difficult – especially in the early weeks and months of separation – for you as parents to be able to put in place flexible and workable arrangements for your children.

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