Sara Stoner BA (Hons) FMCA

Enfield, Potters Bar and Broxbourne

Sara feels passionately that family mediation is often the best method for resolving issues arising from separation. She has repeatedly witnessed the pain and suffering that protracted court proceedings can cause couples and their children.

Call Sara now on 07703 128057 for an introductory chat or email her directly at to book a MIAM or for further information and help.

Sara is professional, friendly and empathetic. She remains calm under pressure. Her family law and mediation experience helps to ensure that she is a very safe pair of hands. Sara guides clients through the mediation process, so participants move forward and make practical provisions for a positive future.

Sara qualified as a solicitor in 2003, specialising in family law. She trained as a mediator in 2013 and is a Family Mediation Council Accredited Mediator, (the gold standard of mediators). Sara now specialises in family mediation, whilst ensuring she is always up to date with developments in family law.

Communication after separation is often strained or completely broken down. Separated couples may feel that there is no viable alternative to court proceedings. However, Sara feels that spending thousands of pounds litigating and delegating  decisions about finances and child arrangements to a Judge, leaves people feeling powerless and afraid.

The adversarial nature of litigation increases and magnifies discord and when the court case concludes, parents are expected to forget any hurt inflicted during the process, put their differences to ones side and amicably co-parent their children together.

“Mediation requires significant commitment and hard work from clients. However, the rewards are well worth the effort. Mediated proposals are practical, fit for purpose, tailor made for each client’s needs and often creative and forward thinking. Clients often leave mediation with improved communication. Children benefit enormously, as their parents can then co-parent amicably and effectively”

What clients say about Sara

“Sara has been so reassuring and knowledgeable about the law. I attended mediation with scepticism as our communication was unhealthy. Sara guided us through the process, checking how we would each manage in the future, it really helped us to reach an agreement on property and finances that we felt was fair and workable. I am enormously grateful to Sara.”

“After my first session with Sara I felt totally at total ease. It’s very overwhelming thinking that you are meeting a stranger to discuss your faults or failings. Sara was understanding, very reassuring and this helped me get everything out and move forward. I would 100% recommend Sara Stoner; she has been amazing”

“When I met Sara she immediately put me at ease. The process wasn’t easy but Sara was very easy to understand and set us tasks between sessions so that we made the most of our time with her. By discussing each issue separately, and the practical consequences of each option, we began to see a way forward and reached a financial settlement. We are now getting on better as parents than we did before mediation.”

“Sara was very skilled at guiding/facilitating the process so that the important points were focused on and progress was made. I had quite honestly thought that we would not reach agreement and the fact that we did must be due in part to the work of Sara.”

“I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Sara to friends. Sara is understanding and clearly very experienced at helping parents. Her approach was about making the future better for our children and us as parents. She really helped us to move past the issues that we had struggled to move past. Things are much better between us and handovers are so much easier! Thank you Sara.”