Arranging a "Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting" (MIAM)

All mediators at Horizon Mediation are qualified to hold Mediation Information & Assessment Meetings (MIAMs), and can arrange them at short notice at a time to suit you.

If you need the paperwork for Court proceedings we can give it to you at the end of the MIAM.

How do I arrange a MIAM?

Get in touch with us for an initial chat and to fix an appointment for a meeting with one of the Horizon Mediation team.

We are able to meet face to face when appropriate and also remotely which gives you greater flexibility around appointments.

We can often arrange an appointment for you at short notice (within 24 hours, perhaps sooner.)

The meeting is about 1 hour and is just with you and the mediator.

What will happen in the meeting?

We will talk about what’s going on for you.
This will be a chance for you to get things off your chest and tell us what the issues are for you.

We will talk to you about how family mediation works.
This will give you an understanding of possible alternative ways to resolve your dispute other than going to Court.

We will talk to you about the issue of your safety.
We understand that not all cases are suitable for mediation and we can discuss how you see mediation working for you, set against any concerns you may have. We will say if we think your case is not suitable for mediation (there are instances where mediation is not an option.)

We will talk about the reality of court proceedings set against other options.
During the MIAM meeting we can provide legal information and also signpost you to resources and other specialist support, including issues around finances, property and children.

The MIAM is usually a starting point from which to think about the way forward for you and your family, and for you to start to think about the possibility of a different way of working matters out with your ex-partner.

Having attended the MIAM meeting you may decide that you do just want to go to Court, and that’s fine. If you change your mind down the line and decide mediation is something you want to revisit you can do so at any stage in the dispute resolution process, and your appointed Horizon mediator will be available to assist and advise you.

What will I receive as a result of the meeting?

We can give you the C100 and/or Form A at the end of the MIAM because all Horizon mediators are accredited with the Family Mediation Council (FMCA).

Both the C100 and Form A are valid for 4 months from the date of the MIAM and you will need them if you want to go to Court. There are very few exceptions to this.

More information

To find out more about Mediation Information & Assessment Meetings and the mediation process as a whole, please look at some of the links provided below.

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