Client Feedback & Testimonials

Our clients are often going through a difficult time in their lives when they work with us, and we are very grateful to them for taking the time to share their experiences of mediating with the Horizon team. Some of their feedback is listed below.

We hope this will give you some re-assurance that you are in safe hands when working with the Horizon Mediation team.

Click on the mediator photographs to be taken to their individual biography pages.

  • Sara Stoner

    “I am very appreciative of Sara as I was sceptical about mediation being able to sort out our divorce. We avoided an expensive court case. Sara was exceptionally knowledgeable, kind and patient with us both. I 100% recommend Sara Stoner.”

  • Jo Chawla

    “Many thanks to Jo who dealt with what was still a fairly raw situation. Taking the time to listen and understand whilst still being very professional but very approachable!””

  • Emma Bugg

    “The mediation process was a big step for me, but having someone like Emma made the process much easier. She was very knowledgeable, professional and friendly.”

  • Elaine Clark

    “I would like to place on record my appreciation to you for essential work that was needed to reach the agreement on the arrangements for the children and indeed the listing, collation and checking of assets required by Form E leading up to the Open Financial Statement document…….thank you again for your help in ensuring sensible family arrangements and the mediation that made this possible”

  • Nicola Lewis

    “Thank you so much for your amazing help with the mediation yesterday. I will never forget your kindness, caring heart, and genuine warmth. I have so much respect for you and the incredibly rewarding work that you do. I shall honestly recommend you to everyone. You have no idea how much you have helped me. You have lifted a huge weight off my shoulders and helped me so much.”

  • Emma Bugg

    “Having a Mediation session via Zoom presented its own challenges so it was great to have a mediator like Emma Bugg to guide us through the process. She had empathy with her clients and stepped in to create breaks to allow parties time to reflect or regroup when emotions ran high. Prior to the session the process was explained carefully and good quality material was provided. Trying to resolve a maintenance variation litigation was never going to be easy but I found the mediation process useful in allowing me to communicate my views and justifications and Emma’s post session summary provided a good assessment of the issues.”

  • Sara Stoner

    “After my first session with Sara I felt totally at total ease. It’s very overwhelming thinking that you are meeting a stranger to discuss your faults or failings. Sara was understanding, very reassuring and this helped me get everything out and move forward. I would 100% recommend Sara Stoner; she has been amazing”

  • Emma Bugg

    “For me divorce was a scary and daunting time and I thought mediation was just a “process” I needed to go through to reach the end goal. Mediation was a “process” however it was a very positive one and helped me a great deal with the difficult situation I had found myself in. Even though the mediator, Emma Bugg, was impartial I felt listened to, we were given some excellent advice and it speeded up the whole divorce process which in turn made things a lot less stressful. I highly recommend Emma Bugg, a great mediator who clearly is an expert with an enormous amount of knowledge, patience and expertise”

  • Jo Chawla

    “Jo did an excellent job. It kept the heat out of the situation and avoided court proceedings.“

  • Nicola Lewis

    “Extremely professional, kind and supportive, very patient to hear all of the issues involved within the mediation, I was so impressed.”

  • Elaine Clarke

    “Thank you so much for everything you have done for us to date … we think you did a super job in the last mediation”

    “Thank you for your continued support”

  • Emma Bugg

    “My ex-husband and I had not been able to communicate effectively about our separate lives and the future of our children and the mediation sessions with Emma were the first time in over a year that we were able to come together and make constructive progress. Emma gave each of us space to express our point of view while at the same time keeping us from going round in circles. When we got stuck with some points Emma was able to help us by offering her legal knowledge about how this decision would likely be made in court, which helped immensely to accept the various points and move on. Within two one-hour sessions we were able to agree on a way forward that is in the children’s best interest. I am very grateful for Emma’s work and would recommend her to anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation.”
    Mrs W – Harpenden-

  • Sara Stoner

    “Sara was very skilled at guiding and facilitating the process so that the important points were focused on and progress was made. I had quite honestly thought that we would not reach agreement and the fact that we did must be due in part to the work of Sara.

    I am, of course, extremely happy! One of the main purposes of engaging in mediation was, for me, allowing the girls’ opinions to be expressed and heard. Nicola, Sara’s colleague, was wonderful with my girls and their views were certainly expressed and heard as a result. Thank you!”

  • Jo Chawla

    “Thanks to you for facilitating a solution, which was probably the optimum achievable in the circumstances“

  • Emma Bugg

    “For me divorce was a scary and daunting time and I thought mediation was just a “process” I needed to go through to reach the end goal. Mediation was a “process” however it was a very positive one and helped me a great deal with the difficult situation I had found myself in. Even though the mediator, Emma Bugg, was impartial I felt listened to, we were given some excellent advice and it speeded up the whole divorce process which in turn made things a lot less stressful. I highly recommend Emma Bugg, a great mediator who clearly is an expert with an enormous amount of knowledge, patience and expertise”

  • Nicola Lewis

    “I think our mediation sessions made a tremendous difference and have enabled us to see more clearly”

  • Emma Bugg

    “I found Emma, very calm and fair in this process, as I was finding the whole situation very emotional experience. Since the mediation finished and our financial offer have been agreed upon, we have discussed our time in mediation and both have agreed it was the best way forward. My ex had been very resistant to this process and I had insisted it was the only way forward to us. For once he listened. He confessed that he had felt Emma was on my side at times and I corrected him to say I felt at times she was on my side but overall I had felt she was on his. So we have concluded that overall she actually was doing a very good job and the result is that we have a Financial Order.“

  • Elaine Clarke

    “I think you managed us both brilliantly in the last session….”

    “Thank you for your kindness and words of understanding at such a bad time….”