Commercial & Workplace Mediation

Can you justify expending time, energy and chargeable hours dealing with workplace disputes?

Our team of professional mediators can help across a wide range of commercial mediation issues including:

  • Business Disputes

  • Contracts and Leases

  • Land and Property

  • Probate and Inheritance

  • Claims in the Workplace

We want to help you resolve those disputes so that you can move on and get back to what’s important in your business and in your life.

Jo Chawla and Nicola Lewis are accredited commercial mediators and they are well aware that no business, however large or small, can carry the weight of unresolved disputes.

If you would like to chat through the issues directly with us or ask your solicitor / legal advisor to contact us we can talk through the first steps of the commercial mediation process with you or with them.

For more information on how we at Horizon Mediation can help you please get in touch with Nicola Lewis or Jo Chawla who will be happy to explain the process and how you can achieve a speedy, cost-effective resolution to your commercial dispute.

About the Commercial Mediation Process

Commercial Mediation is a quick, cost effective process in which you as participants are decision makers and free to make whatever arrangements between you that work for you.

  • Voluntary – you and the other party to your dispute both need to be willing to come along to mediation

  • Impartial – the mediator is impartial – mediators do not take sides.

  • Resolution – we are there to facilitate your communication, to help you talk about and explore the issues in dispute.

  • Working together – during the day the mediator passes between you and the other party discussing the issues, exploring options, sometimes reality testing ideas, all the time exploring means of resolving the dispute

  • Confidential – details of the discussions cannot be disclosed to third parties, and whatever you say to the mediator, will be kept confidential from the other party too unless you expressly wish it to be communicated.

  • Control and flexibility – the commercial mediation framework allows you the flexibility of putting forward suggestions for a resolution that cannot be “held against you” at a later date and also gives you control in that what you say stays with the mediator until you are ready for it to be disclosed to the other party.

  • One Day – in separate rooms, and if you are willing to have part of the meeting together in one room that’s possible too.

  • Legal Advice – during the day your solicitor or legal adviser can be with you to give you advice and work with you and the mediator towards options for resolution;

  • Binding – at the end of the day when you come to a resolution your legal advisers will draw up a Consent Order in the terms you have agreed – that agreement is binding on both of you.

Commercial Mediation can be a quick, cost effective process in which you as participants are decision makers and free to make whatever arrangements work for you.

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