10 Reasons to Mediate

1. You save money

Research shows it’s typically 50% cheaper to use mediation alongside a legal advisor, than a legal advisor alone.

2. Mediation is quicker and more convenient

You book sessions when it suits you. An agreement can be reached quickly, we can set aside a day for mediating property and finance issues whereas Court cases can take over a year from issuing to conclusion.

3. You’re in control of the decisions

Why let a Judge decide what’s best for you or your children? Mediation enables you to maintain control of yours and your children’s future. 

4. Your privacy is respected

Mediation is confidential and without prejudice, which means discussions can’t be used against you later. It offers you both a safe space in which to discuss issues and explore options.

5. Mediation is fair and impartial

As mediators we don’t take sides. We ensure the sessions are fair and you are each heard. We make sure any power imbalances are addressed, and information is shared and explained so you both have full information throughout the process.

6. Mediation is voluntary

You are not required to come to mediation and can leave at any time, at any stage of the process.

7. Your children benefit

Research indicates prolonged parental conflict harms children. Mediation enables separated couples to move from being exes to being co-parents. Communication improves in even the most challenging relationships.

8. Tailor made arrangements for you

You are able to make decisions which are tailored to your family’s needs. You can discuss issues that you can’t raise at Court.

9. Your children can be included in the process

Children can speak to a mediator away from your mediation sessions so that they have the opportunity to speak openly and freely about how they feel, and don’t bottle up any worries. We will feed back, with permission, what they think, to help you both in your decision making. We are trained to talk to children.

10. Mediation really works

About 80% of mediation cases settle. Mediation is a process for separated couples who need to work together to reach agreement but can’t. Mediators are trained to facilitate communication and help clients focus on the issues they face. We have resolved many seemingly intractable disputes.

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