How Mediation Works

We will explain all the steps in the mediation process at the initial one-to-one meeting (the “MIAM”) and will answer any questions you have.

We work hard to create the right conditions for your mediation. We will ask you questions in the MIAM to enable us to work with you to understand the best arrangements for the mediation sessions.

At the start of the mediation sessions we will refer to:

  • Principles governing the mediation process

  • “Ground Rules” which will enable you to speak freely and to hear each other in a way that works for you

  • Creating an agenda

As the session progresses you will: 

How The 5 Stages of Mediation Will Work For You

Stage One

This is an opportunity to put across your views and make clear your own perspective without interruption. Mediation provides an opportunity for you to communicate your feelings, facts and ideas in a safe environment. We identify the issues together and establish a mutual agenda.

Stage Two

You will communicate and negotiate with your ex-partner either directly or through the mediator. Mediation is a process facilitated by impartial communication professionals trained in conflict resolution to support your communication and assist you in exploring the issues.

Stage Three

We will help you to identify options including those you might not have already thought about.

Stage Four

Testing and crystallising different ideas and favoured options is the next step.

Stage Five

You will both agree on an option that works best for you and the mediator will draw up a set of proposals which you will make binding, allowing you to move forward with your lives.

At every stage of the process we will ask you to get advice from your solicitor, so you can feel confident in your decision making.